Find Your Perfect Romance Audiobook Match with Our Recommendations

Find your perfect match with our recommendations for the best romance audiobooks that are sure to steal your heart.

Audiobooks have become increasingly popular in recent years, and romance audiobooks are no exception. Whether you’re a fan of historical romance, contemporary romance, or paranormal romance, there’s an audiobook out there for you. With so many options, it can be overwhelming to find the perfect romance audiobook match. That’s why we’ve put together a list of our top recommendations for each subgenre.

Historical Romance

If you’re a fan of sweeping historical romances with dashing heroes and strong heroines, then historical romance is the genre for you. Here are our top audiobook recommendations:


“The Spymaster’s Lady” by Joanna Bourne

This historical romance is set during the Napoleonic Wars and follows the story of Annique Villiers, a French spy, and Robert Grey, a British spymaster. The audiobook is narrated by Kirsten Potter, who perfectly captures the tension and chemistry between the two protagonists.



“The Duchess War” by Courtney Milan

Set in 1860s England, this historical romance tells the story of Minerva Lane, a wallflower who hides a secret, and Robert Blaisdell, the Duke of Clermont, who is hiding a secret of his own. The audiobook is narrated by Rosalyn Landor, who gives each character a distinct voice and brings the story to life.

Contemporary Romance

If you prefer your romances set in the present day, with relatable characters and modern-day issues, then contemporary romance is the genre for you. Here are our top audiobook recommendations:



“The Hating Game” by Sally Thorne

This enemies-to-lovers romance follows the story of Lucy Hutton and Joshua Templeman, two executive assistants who hate each other. The audiobook is narrated by Katie Schorr, who perfectly captures the banter and tension between the two characters.



“The Kiss Quotient” by Helen Hoang

This romance follows the story of Stella Lane, a successful econometrician who has trouble with social interactions, and Michael Phan, an escort who is hired by Stella to help her become a better lover. The audiobook is narrated by Carly Robins, who gives each character a distinct voice and brings their story to life.

Paranormal Romance

If you’re looking for something a little more fantastical, with vampires, werewolves, and other supernatural creatures, then paranormal romance is the genre for you. Here are our top audiobook recommendations:



“Dark Lover” by J.R. Ward

This paranormal romance follows the story of Wrath, the last purebred vampire, and Beth, a half-vampire, half-human woman who needs his protection. The audiobook is narrated by Jim Frangione, who perfectly captures the dark, sexy tone of the story.



“Moon Called” by Patricia Briggs

This urban fantasy romance follows the story of Mercy Thompson, a shape-shifting mechanic who gets drawn into the world of werewolves and vampires. The audiobook is narrated by Lorelei King, who gives each character a distinct voice and brings the world to life.

Romance audiobooks offer a wide variety of options to choose from, whether you prefer historical, contemporary, or paranormal romances. With our top recommendations, you’re sure to find the perfect audiobook match for you. Happy listening!

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